15 Pet-Friendly Houseplants

Houseplants not only add beauty to a room but also have many other benefits.

If you have a dog or cat you want to make sure that the houseplants you have are safe for them.  Dog and cats may or may not chew on the plants but no one wants to take a chance.  Here are some plants that are pet friendly.

Pet-Friendly Houseplants

Although these houseplants are technically safe for dogs and cats, you should still eliminate temptations and keep them out of the reach of your pet.  If your cat or dog does nibble on a leaf and the plant is listed as non-toxic to pets, it could still cause your pet a tummy ache.

1. African violet

african violet

Most people want more than just a green houseplant.  They want them also to have gorgeous blooms.  The African violet fills the bill.  They produce flowers in a range of pink and purple hues.  It is also a low maintenance houseplant and can thrive without bright light.  It is a plant that is less than 12 inches tall.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

2. Watermelon plant

Watermelon plant

This plant is also known as the Aluminum plant and has variegated green-and-gray leaves.  It grows no taller than 12 inches and makes an attractive houseplant.  It does well in medium to low light.  You will only have to water it when the top inch of the soil is dry.  You can grow this anywhere out of your pet’s reach if you want because it tolerates low light.

3. Air Plant

Air Plant

These are the ideal low-maintenance, pet-friendly houseplant you can have because they do not need any soil to grow.  They usually are smaller than 12 inches and thrive in indirect bright light.  About once a week they do need a quick soak in water.  

 4. Boston Ferns

Boston Ferns

These are a houseplant with shaggy fonds that hang down from a hanging basket.  As the fonds hang down and move around it is only natural that a cat will bat at them, maybe even trying to nibble on.  

5. Christmas Cactus

Christmas Cactus

Although some succulents are toxic to cats and dogs, this one is not.  Even though they are not toxic, if they nibbled on the plant it could cause intestinal discomfort.  Again they are relatively small; less than12 inches but can spread as much as two feet.  They grow best with indirect bright light and regular watering.

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6. Gloxinia

Gloxinia plant

This is a plant that often people give as gifts, especially around the holidays.  It is from Brazil and needs indirect light and constant moisture to grow.

7. Friendship plant

Friendship plant

This plant is closely related to the Watermelon plant and it gets its named because it can be divided and shared easily.  It is safe for them even if they bite it.  They tolerate medium to low light.  It also loves low light and is a plant that gets about 12 inches high.

8. Lipstick plant

Lipstick plant

This plant gets its name from the blooms, which look like tubes of lipstick.  It is a native of the tropics and loves to be outside in the warmer months and when indoors, keep it in bright light.  The soil needs to be consistently moist and get as tall as 20 inches.

9. Lace Flower Vine

Lace Flower Vine

This plant is also called the Chocolate Soldier and grows best in a hanging basket, so it will be well out of reach of your pets.  You should water it whenever it starts to feel dry and put in indirect, bright light.  The trailing stems can be about three feet long.

10. Parlor Palm

Parlor Palm

If you want to add a small tree to your home décor, this is the one.  It is a low-maintenance houseplant and a good one for beginners.  It tolerates low light but prefers indirect, bright light.  Only water when the top inch of soil is dry.  This tree can grow as tall as eight feet but four feet tall is more common.

11. Polka Dot plant

Polka Dot plant

The polka dot is a great plant if you want to add a splash of color and pattern to your terrariums, or miniature gardens.  They come in colors like white or pink. It can grow up to three feet but is more common to see them grow to a foot.  You need to make sure the soil is kept consistently moist with indirect light.

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12. Moth Orchid

Moth Orchid

This is the orchid that you will most likely find in a floral shop.  Although the plant is not toxic, you need to watch your cat and dog that they do not get in the potting mix.  The potting mix is often made up of bark chips.  They are not toxic either but could cause tummy issues if they swallow them.  They grow from one to three feet tall and can tolerate low, medium, or bright light.  They generally need to be watered once a week, sometimes every other week.

13. Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant

This plant is also called the Calathea plant and is a great plant for small places like end tables or bookshelves.  It has green, red, and cream leaves that curl up at night.  This is how it got its name.  At night, it looks like it is praying.  It is one of the easiest houseplants to grow.  Let the soil dry out some before watering it and put it in low or medium light.

14. Ponytail Palm

Ponytail Palm

This is an excellent houseplant and is a very common indoor palm plant. They are drought tolerant and grow big enough to be a large floor plant.

15. Spider Plant

Spider Plant

This is also another easy houseplant to grow. And you can grow more spider plants from the babies that are produced by the mother plant.  It can tolerate low light but grows best in indirect bright light.  Water it only when the soil is dry.  It can grow to 24 inches wide and 12 inches tall.

Learn more: How to Identify & Control Houseplant Pests


If you own pets always check your plant tag or read about it online to make sure that it is pet safe.  These are just some of the many plants you can have in your home that are pet safe.  If nibbled on, some may give your pets an upset stomach but none are toxic.

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