How to Grow Moss Indoors

If you want to grow moss indoors, you will first have to make a point of learning about it as much as possible. This plant is extremely sturdy, but you still have to know what you are doing. 

Moss goes well in just about any garden, and it can be grown indoors or outside.

What You’ll Need

First you will need to make a point of getting all of your materials together. This includes a terrarium, which can be made of either plastic or glass. The material of the container is not as important as the shape. You’ll want to get a container that is at least fairly wide, and shallow.

When it comes to choosing a certain size container, you’ll have to consider your budget. The larger you buy, the more money you are going to spend. You’ll also need to think about the amount of space you can spare in your home. You should already have a certain area set aside for growing your moss.

Preparing the Base

Next you will need to put a thin layer of pebbles at the bottom of the container you plan on growing your moss in. These pebbles can be found in most pet or garden stores. You might also want to look around your house to see if you can find some pebbles nearby.

You should not put soil at the bottom of the container, especially if you are going to have forest moss in it. Some people choose to use sand instead, which works just as well.

You’ll also want to put a layer of pine needles at the bottom of your container. You only have to put enough in to somewhat cover the pebbles. You may put down a piece of rotted bark in place of pine needles.

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Gathering the Moss

There are lots of different places where you should be able to find moss in your area. This includes the underside of logs, on stumps, and rocks. You might even be able to find moss growing on soil if you look hard enough. Before collecting moss from any surface, remember that you’ll need to be gentle. 

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Peel the moss off at its base, transferring it into a container until you get home. You should avoid collecting moss from private property unless you have permission by the owner to do so.

Putting the Moss in Your Container

You’ll want to lay the moss down on the pebbles or sand and pine needles at the bottom of your container. Make sure that the base is completely covered so that you cannot see underneath the moss at all. Put some toothpicks into the outer edges of your moss every few inches. This will help to keep the moss from moving around so it doesn’t become damaged in any way. You won’t have to worry about the toothpicks harming your moss at all.

Once you have put the moss in the container and secured it with the toothpicks, you’ll want to give it a nice spraying. Simply fill a spray bottle with some purified water and squirt the top of the moss from above. Distilled water is available at most home improvement stores.

It’s a good idea to keep some tweezers nearby just in case you decide to rearrange your moss at any point. It is important that you are very gentle when doing this so as not to damage the moss at all.


Make certain that you keep a cover on the container that houses your moss. This will cause moisture that is created by the moss to evaporate. The condensation that forms on the sides and top of the container will nourish the moss and encourage normal and healthy growth over time. This setup means that you really don’t have to worry about doing a lot of maintenance or upkeep.

Another important thing to consider when it comes to maintaining your moss is to keep it away from direct sunlight. Excessive light is going to do a lot of damage to the moss, as it will cause it to dry up. Moss needs to be kept nice and moist to remain healthy. Make sure that you do not keep it by a window that receives direct sunlight in the afternoon.

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It is important to keep your moss by some source of light, as long as it isn’t shining right on top of it. You’ll also need to ensure that the container’s air circulation is adequate.

It will be necessary to spray your garden at least a couple times each day using distilled water. You only need to mist the moss, so make sure not to drench it. Cover up the container right after you spray the moss so that the water can be recycled from within.

You’ll want to make a point of checking in once and while to see how your moss is doing. It is important that you notice something is wrong sooner rather than later. If your moss looks and feels dry, you should give it some water right away. Neglecting your moss can have dire consequences, so you need to do all of these things on a regular basis.

Keep reading: How to Debug Plants Before Bringing Them Indoors


Growing moss is pretty easy and a fun project to take on in the warmer months of the year. Make sure that you choose the right shape container so that the moss grows efficiently and stays healthy. You also need to make sure that the base of the container is properly prepared with all the materials mentioned above. You should be able to find these materials near your home in the summer or spring months without much difficulty.

Keep in mind that moss thrives off warmth and moisture, so you’ll need to provide yours with plenty of these things. Direct sunlight is not good for moss, as it will quickly dry it out. As long as you provide your moss with some light and water on a daily basis, you should be able to grow it without any issues.

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