Mona Lisa Lipstick Plant Care: [Complete Beginner’s Guide]

Mona Lisa lipstick plant care is easy for people who want gorgeous Mona Lisa lipstick plants to fill in their homes. Here’s everything a beginner needs to take care of this plant.

Mona Lisa lipstick plants are easy to take care of, even for beginners. They are indoor blooming houseplants that look wonderful in a brilliant spot in your home. These plants require bright, indirect light, and high moistness helps them grow much faster.

This beginner’s guide can train you about all the different aspects of caring for a Mona Lisa lipstick plant. You can figure out the ideal way to prune, water, and propagate these lovely tropical indoor Mona Lisa lipstick plants.

red flowers lispitck plant

What Is The Mona Lisa Lipstick Plant?

The Aeschynanthus radicans is also famous as a lipstick, Mona Lisa lipstick plant, blushing rose, and basket Mona Lisa lipstick plant. It belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. Its genus, Aeschynanthus, comprises around 150 various species of tropical Mona Lisa lipstick plants local to southeast Asia.

It’s pretty easy to understand where the Mona Lisa lipstick plant gets its familiar name, the Mona Lisa lipstick plant. It has a roseate-orange tone and is cylindrical. Flowers embracing yellow throats rise up from their calyx, which seems smaller than usual lipstick tubes. You can see the bright blooms sporadically when considering that the Mona Lisa lipstick plant has a sufficient measure of exposure to light.

Growing a Mona Lisa lipstick plant outdoors has a high success rate for those living in winter climates. Nevertheless, a milder environment is still great because this blooming epiphyte thrives as an indoor houseplant when kept in reasonably warm conditions.

The Mona Lisa lipstick plant grows up to two feet or much longer. Its vining stems make it an optimal balancing Mona Lisa lipstick plant for bright and sunny rooms. It is a significant help to realize that the Mona Lisa lipstick plant is safe to expose to your pets or youngsters because it is non-poisonous. There are several other kinds of lipstick Mona Lisa lipstick plants, including:

  • The Wavy Q lipstick plant is famous for its novel wavy, twisted shape and dull green leaves.
  • The Cassiopeia lipstick plant is famous for its dazzling red flowers and dim purple-red buds.

Growing Mona Lisa Lipstick Plants

Knowing how to deal with your Mona Lisa lipstick plants is essential for any Mona Lisa lipstick plant enthusiast. Watering, changing the soil, propagating, and controlling pests are just some things that Mona Lisa lipstick plant caretakers need to focus on during plant care.

In the same way as others, the Mona Lisa lipstick plant can require some work to grow and keep up with appropriately. Still, the results can be worth the care. The Mona Lisa lipstick plant grows well in warm and moist areas. The ideal temperature for growing it ranges between 70 and 85 F.

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At 65 F, the Mona Lisa lipstick plant can survive yet not flourish, significantly restricting the number of flowers it can create. Mona Lisa lipstick plants in high dampness and can fill in various lighting conditions. It’s best given incomplete shade outdoors during the winter season. It is ideal to expose it to brilliant light indoors in summer.

A decent pot for a Mona Lisa lipstick plant would be a hanging basket. You can grow the Mona Lisa lipstick plant on wood slabs, yet always keep the Mona Lisa lipstick plant moist enough. You can rapidly propagate Mona Lisa lipstick plants through stem cuttings. Assuming you start growing that Mona Lisa lipstick plant from cuttings, it’s best to keep it at a temperature of 70 F to assist it with blossoming as much as possible.

You should prune to eliminate any rot or harmed part of the stems or control the size of the Mona Lisa lipstick plant. If the leaves become yellow or foster earthy colored edges, changes in the shade of the leaves frequently show that the Mona Lisa lipstick plant needs more water and light.

Make sure to treat the Mona Lisa lipstick plant with a fungicide when a reddish-earthy colored mass of spider webs is present. Common houseplant pests incorporate thrips, bugs, mites, and aphids. An incredible natural pesticide, similar to neem oil, can deal with the Mona Lisa lipstick plant’s usual problems.

Mona Lisa Lipstick Plant Care

Several factors add to the success of growing Mona Lisa lipstick plants. You must consider soil, nutrients, water, light, and temperature. Keeping your Mona Lisa lipstick plant in the best growing condition can be much easier if you stick to these simple guidelines.

Soil and Nutrients

Mona Lisa lipstick plant care begins with light soil and proper preparation. Adding vitamins and liquid manure to the gardening soil is a brilliant method for holding soil moisture.


Suppose your Mona Lisa lipstick plant is crumbling, and the stems start to look messy. In that case, the Mona Lisa lipstick plant isn’t getting sufficient light. Try not to put the Mona Lisa lipstick plant in complete shade or sun. The Mona Lisa lipstick plant needs glorious sunshine for about six hours every day, not the entire day.


The ideal indoor temperature ranges from 75 F to 85 F, stimulating growth and blossoming. The improvement of a Mona Lisa lipstick plant reduces as the temperatures reach below 60 F. As the indoor temperatures reduces to 50 F or lower, the Mona Lisa lipstick plant tissue receives damage, and leaves could start to drop.


Water is one of the fundamental factors that significantly influence the growth of almost any plant. The Mona Lisa lipstick plant prefers a damp climate, so a washroom or kitchen could be a fantastic spot for them to grow.

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Concerning appropriate watering, you first need to check if the top part of the soil is dry. That can assist with advancing sprouting for your Mona Lisa lipstick plant. How much of the time you water also affects growth, whether the Mona Lisa lipstick plant is in the growing or dormant season.

Watering should be possible around once per week during its busy, growing season between spring and summer. Watering once every few weeks is fine during the colder months, from summer to winter.

Setting your finger in the soil is one method for rapidly checking the moisture level of the Mona Lisa lipstick plant soil. The leaves can become brown and fall off if the Mona Lisa lipstick plant stays out long. Make sure to check the ground consistently and stay away from overwatering. Doing that might risk your Mona Lisa lipstick plant, creating root rot and fungal problems.

mona lisa plant


Propagation has become a standard way for botanists and gardeners to restore and duplicate Mona Lisa lipstick plants. You can rapidly reproduce the Mona Lisa lipstick plant through stem cutting.

Ideally, slice the stem to measure around four inches long, and it should not have any flowers or buds. Expose the slice end of the stem to a growth hormone, and then Mona Lisa lipstick plant it in a small pot loaded with a moist growing medium. Ensure you keep it in a warm region far from direct sunlight, and trust that the stem can foster roots.

To catalyze root growth, you can make a smaller-than-standard propagating chamber by putting a plastic sack over your cutting, which can cause dampness. The roots should start growing following four to six weeks.

You can ensure that by delicately pulling at the stem to see if it slides out of the soil. You can realize it has roots when it can hold some ground. Save it there for a couple of additional weeks for the roots to strengthen, then transfer the slicing to a bigger pot and take care of it consistently with the proper care.

Final Words

The Mona Lisa lipstick plant is an exceptionally famous indoor and open-air houseplant plant that is easy to grow. They are an outstanding specimen in your plant assortment and a striking, beautifying component in any interior. Mona Lisa lipstick plants can grow well if you offer them the appropriate conditions. Happy gardening!