Why Does My Majesty Palm Have Brown Tips? [EXPLAINED]

Few things are more disappointing to a devoted indoor plant owner than brown tips on a cherished indoor plant!

So, why does my Majesty Palm have brown tips? Brown tips on Majesty Palms can demonstrate numerous medical conditions. These include watering, soil, humidity, lighting, and other issues.

Thus, it’s fundamental to comprehend which elements to check and how to utilize the course of the end so you can decide the issue and fix it. In this article, we’ll walk you through possible reasons for browning tips on your Majesty Palm and how to cure these issues.

palm sun

Why Does My Majesty Palm Have Brown Tips?

Watering Issues

Most frequently, browning tips indicate a watering issue, which can mean overwatering or underwatering. That could sound very befuddling. Fortunately, you can check the dirt’s dampness level to decide if one of these may be the issue and notice the unusual nature of the browning tips. The spots’ color, texture, and surface area can give you all the details you need.


The tips can become light brown and firm if underwater, your Majesty Palm. The dirt can likewise feel dry to the touch.

Test the dirt with your finger, a wooden stick, or a dampness meter. We suggest a dampness meter since it gives you a more exact thought of what’s happening further inside the pot. The ground top may be excessively dry while the root ball is still wet, depending on how ventilated your dirt is.

If the dirt feels dry, the stick comes out dry. Or if the dampness meter stays under 3, your plant is dry and could use a beverage! If you watered only a few days prior and your Majesty Palm’s dirt has proactively dried out, you might have to add more water.

Make a point to give the soil a decent douse and allow the water to drain. If that doesn’t fix the issue, you could require a soil mix with additional dampness to maintain moisture like coco coir or peat greenery.


You could see delicate, dull brown spots on the tips, assuming your plant is overwatered. Whole tips may be pale and medium brown, and stems can be soft and limp.

If you notice these signs, look at the dirt with your finger, a stick, or a dampness meter. Suppose you watered a week ago, and the ground still feels wet. In that case, the bar comes out soggy. On the other hand, assuming the dampness meter peruses higher than a 4, you might have overwatered your plant.

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If you’re watering at least a couple of times weekly, you might have to water on rare occasions. Still, on the off chance that you’re only watering each 7-10 days, the issue may be seepage. If your pot doesn’t have drainage openings, that can create some problems. Repot into a container with holes! Your decision on the potting mix could likewise be the guilty party.

Assuming that your dirt is compacted or excessively thick, it could hold water for a long time, implying the roots sit in splashed soil. If your ground stays wet for longer than ten days, repot into a ventilated potting mix that channels rapidly.

Parasitic Diseases

Assuming your Majesty Palm sits in spongy soil for long, it can foster contagious root decay. Assuming that occurs, you’ll see comparable signs that you’d see with standard overwatering, but more severe. That could incorporate delicate dark spots, soft stems, and, surprisingly, a foul smell from the dirt.

If you suspect your Majesty Palm could have root decay, the best way to tell is to unpot the plant and investigate the roots. If you notice any dull, rotten, or slimy roots, cautiously cut those back. Then, at that point, repot into a perfect pot with new, quick-draining soil.

Use a lighter touch on the watering for some time and ensure your plant gets heaps of brilliant, backhanded daylight so it can recuperate. We likewise suggest utilizing root supplements when you do water. They assist with keeping the disease from returning and permit the roots to recover.

Eliminating the impacted tips with clean hands and tools is likewise really smart. Remember to discard the decay in the rubbish, not your manure heap! You would rather not risk spreading the parasite to your different plants, inside or out.

Faucet Water

Brown tip tips or dry brown spots can likewise demonstrate that your Majesty Palm is discontent with the water it’s getting. Many plants are delicate to chlorine and different synthetic compounds in faucet water.

So, assuming that is bringing on some issues, change to clean, purified water. When necessary, you can likewise leave regular water out for the time being to permit a portion of the synthetic substances to vanish before you water your plant.

Temperature Stress

Temperatures that are too extreme can likewise cause your Majesty Palm tips to become brown! Inordinate intensity can ordinarily cause dryness and light brown spots, while browning brought about by freezing can be hazier, even dark. You could likewise see some limping.

Check your plant’s location for drafts or impacts of hot air from vents, entryways, windows, space radiators, and whatnot. Assuming you notice whatever might be causing excessive temperatures around your plant, make the necessary changes to prevent overheating or freezing.

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Unexpected temperature changes can shock plant owners, in some cases, around the seasons. A Majesty Palm could flourish in a particular spot for a long time until winter comes and the temp intensity kicks on, or the window it sits by begins radiating a solid draft.

Assuming you’ve begun utilizing indoor heating more than expected or if outside temperatures change radically, that could be your concern.

Less Humidity

You might live in a dry environment or utilize a great deal of indoor heating. If so, the humidity levels probably won’t be excellent for your Majesty Palm. However, if the tips are drying out and there are no issues with soil dampness, water quality, or temperatures, that could be your concern.

A humidity meter can help you over here. Majesty Palms indeed do best in dampness levels around 40%. Assuming your space is less humid, you could have to make a few changes! To give your plant greater humidity, take a stab at setting up a humidifier close by and putting your plant in a humid container.

You can purchase these or make your own by filling a container with water and stones. Then, place your Majesty Palm close to your different plants, or mist your plant a couple of times each week.

majesty palm

Normal Maturing

Assume you can’t find an issue with your Majesty Palm’s consideration or climate regardless of how enthusiastically you attempt. It’s conceivable that the browning tips you see are old and preparing to drop all alone because the plant doesn’t require them any longer. That browning and tip drop ordinarily happen in the most seasoned tips on the base.

Thus, you can unwind if the issue includes just the base tips and all the other things show up fine. Your Majesty Palm is presumably preparing to do a little cleaning up.

Final Words

Browning tips on your Majesty Palm (or any indoor plant) can be baffling, significantly if you invest energy into focusing on your plants. In any case, remember that plants need to develop and be sound.

Brown tips are your plant’s way of letting you know something isn’t correct. If you treat the issue rapidly, your plant can refocus and develop healthily. Make sure to learn your plant’s signs to rapidly decide the reason for the problem so you can make a move right away. You’ll get the hang of it quickly!