Mediterranean Fan Palm Care & Growing Guide

The Mediterranean fan palm has a reputation for being an amazingly sturdy tree that can withstand very strong winds and extreme temperatures.

 You can plant just one or have an entire row of them to increase privacy around your home. Either way, it is definitely an option you should consider.

Mediterranean Fan Palm Care & Growing Guide

1. Light Requirement

This plant thrives when given full sunlight, though it can survive in partial shade. While this tree can withstand cold temperatures, it does require lots of sunlight on a daily basis.

2. Water

You will only have to water this tree periodically, as it is extremely drought tolerant. This tree does not need much water in the cooler months. The higher the temperature outside, the more often you will have to water it. You can get away with only watering it once every week, except in the summer. Overwatering can cause serious problems, so you’ll need to make a point of avoiding this.

3. Climate

This tree does best when grown in warm climates, though it can do well just about anywhere. Regions that are warm and receive plenty of sunlight year round offer ideal growing conditions for this palm tree. You can grow these trees in hardiness zones 8 through 11.

4. Soil

Make sure that you grow your Mediterranean fan palm in well-draining soil, as excess water accumulation can cause irreversible damage fairly quickly. That being said, this palm can tolerate a variety of soil conditions, including semi-acidic, clay, and sand texture.

It is recommended that you use a palm fertilizer with a slow-release formula. This will encourage healthy overall growth while it is still developing towards maturity.

Chamaerops humilis

5. Temperature

Mediterranean fan palms can withstand cold temperatures up to -12 degrees Celsius, or 10 degrees Fahrenheit. They do best in hot summer months. 

Learn more: Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans) Care & Growing Guide

6. Repotting

It is important to keep in mind that the roots of these trees are quite fragile, so you have to be incredibly careful when repotting. Make sure that you are not too rough when taking it out by the root ball. Put the tree into a new, slightly larger deep container with fresh soil. You will need to repot every three years so that the roots can continue to grow freely.

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7. Speed of Growth

These trees can grow at a rate of 12 inches per year when given full sunlight on a daily basis. As far as palm trees go, this one is considered to be medium sized.

8. Height and Spread

When properly cared for, the Mediterranean fan palm can grow up to 15 feet tall and wide.

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9. Flowers

The golden yellow flowers that this palm tree produces are quite stunning. This tree blooms by late spring, but its flowers are not extremely pronounced. In fact, the leaf stems usually make the flowers impossible to see.

10. Trimming

While these trees are fairly low maintenance, you will have to deal with the occasional trimming. When you prune this tree, you’ll want to begin at the top and work your way down. Make only a couple of cuts on every branch. You will need to start by cutting the fronds, followed by the stub. This will give your tree a nice neat appearance.

You can certainly choose to keep the stubs on the tree, but it won’t look as good if you do. Focus on removing the fronds first, as this is the important part.

Is the Mediterranean Fan Palm Poisonous?

The Mediterranean fan palm is not toxic per-se, but it can result in severe vomiting if a significant amount is ingested. It is therefore a good idea to keep a close watch on your pets when they are near these trees.

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How to get Mediterranean Fan Palms to Flower

One of the best tips for getting these palm trees to flower is to use a good palm fertilizer. You’ll also need to make certain that your tree gets an adequate amount of sunlight every day. Pick a spot in your yard that receives direct sunlight in the afternoon.

Common Mediterranean Fan Palm Diseases

If you notice spots on the leaves of your palm tree, it is probably due to a fungal disease. You will simply need to remove the dead leaves when they appear. In some rare cases, you may need to apply a fungicide spray. These sprays are usually very effective at completely eliminating all traces of the fungus.

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Root rot can also be a problem with palms. This issue typically arises as a result of overwatering. The most common sign of root rot among these trees is dropping fronds. This can be reversible, but it should always be taken seriously. It all depends on how decayed the roots are.

There is also bud rot, which is a disease that comes from fungus or sometimes bacteria. You will notice black lesions on the buds and younger fronds. The juvenile leaves begin to wilt as well. The best way to keep this from happening is to avoid overhead watering. A fungicide can sometimes treat bud rot effectively, but not always. You will apply the fungicide off and on for a few weeks.

Also read: Flowering Almond Trees Care & Growing Guide


The Mediterranean fan palm is a wonderful tree that is unbelievably rugged and long lasting. It also produces bright flowers, though they are often hidden from sight.

If you want to grow these trees, you will need to ensure that they get full sunlight in the afternoon each day. You will only have to water them about once every week unless temperatures are very high. These trees can survive in very hot and cold conditions.

Despite the durable nature of this palm tree, its roots are actually quite delicate. You will need to remember this when repotting, which needs to be done every three years. These trees can do well in many different types of soil, provided it is well-draining.

A good palm fertilizer will encourage growth and flowering. Fungal and bacterial diseases can be an issue, so you must be vigilant and keep out for signs of illness.

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