Peacock Orchid Plant Care & Growing Guide

The peacock orchid is a vibrant and beautiful plant that comes from Africa. While this plant does require quite a bit of upkeep, you’ll find that it is well worth the effort. 

This botanical wonder is an excellent choice if you are looking to add to your garden.

Peacock Orchid Plant Care & Growing Guide

1. Light Requirement

It is crucial that your peacock orchid receives full sunlight throughout each day. If you do not have an area around your house that receives full sunlight, you can always use a pot. Partial shade is recommended for these plants on regions that get very hot during the daytime. If the climate is at least a bit cool, full sunlight is ideal.

2. Water

You will need to water your peacock orchid plant every two to three days. It is important that you do not give the plant too much water, as this can cause root rot. Only give the plant a small amount of water at once. This is especially important to keep in mind when you initially plant the bulbs.

3. Climate

When a peacock orchid is still growing, it does best in warm regions that receive plenty of sunlight. This plant can be grown in hardiness zones 7 through 10. They can survive in colder areas, provided they get enough sun during the day.

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4. Soil

The soil you put your peacock orchid in should offer good drainage. A 50/50 combination of soil and perlite is ideal for these plants. Use soil with sand in it to ensure adequate drainage and avoid problems with root rot. Prior to planting the bulbs, you should put down a layer of compost. Each of the bulbs should be planted at least eight inches apart.

You can start putting fertilizer on when you begin noticing the plant growing, which usually happens near the end of spring. It is best to use 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer, which needs to be applied every couple of weeks. You must keep applying the fertilizer all throughout the initial growing season.

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Peacock Orchid Plant Care Growing Guide

5. Temperature

When you are growing peacock orchids, you’ll need to keep in mind that they can quickly die when exposed to very cold temperatures. If it gets colder than 28 degrees Fahrenheit, you should transfer the bulbs to an indoor area that is dark and dry.

It is best to grow these plants outdoors during the summer months. You’ll want to bring them inside just before frost begins forming. This will ensure that they do not die.

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6. Repotting

You should avoid repotting peacock orchids until their foliage starts to grow. Get the soil nice and loose before taking the plant out by the root ball. This is a very delicate process, so you need to be incredibly gentle. Transfer the plant to a slightly larger container with fresh sandy soil. Don’t forget to water the plant shortly after you have done this.

7. Speed of Growth

These plants grow at a fairly slow rate during the beginning half of the season. After that, the plant’s growth rate will steadily increase.

8. Height & Spread

Peacock orchid plants can grow up to 2.5 feet tall and 1 ½ feet wide.

9. Flowers

This plant’s white and scarlet red flowers have a very elegant appearance that often makes them the star of any garden. They are also very sweet-smelling. The flowers are produced from late in the summer to fall. The flowers of this orchid open at the bottom first, displaying beautiful pedals that somewhat resemble a funnel.

10. Trimming

One of the great things about this plant is that it doesn’t need to be trimmed frequently. You should, however, make a point of removing dead leaves as they appear.

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Is the Peacock Orchid Poisonous?

These plants are considered to be very toxic to both cats and dogs, so you’ll need to keep that in mind. It is important that you do not allow them to be around these plants, as they are extremely dangerous for them.

How to get Peacock Orchids to Flower

It is imperative that you water your peacock orchid on a regular basis when trying to get it to flower. The soil the plant is in should be moist but not completely soaked. You also need to make certain that the plant is getting full sunlight every single day.

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The proper fertilizer can work wonders when it comes to encouraging this plant to flower. Compost with lots organic material can be extremely helpful for this purpose.

Common Peacock Orchid Diseases

Certain insects pose a particular threat to peacock orchids, including woodlice and aphids. Spider mites and thrips can also be problematic. A good quality pest spray usually solves this problem effectively. It is important that you take the time to find the right one to use on your plant.

These plants can also succumb to fungal diseases if they are exposed to high levels of humidity for too long. If you are growing one of these plants in a warm climate, it may start clumping as it grows. In this case, you will have to thin the plant out.

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Peacock orchid plants are definitely a popular choice among gardeners. This is mostly due to their beautiful overall appearance and pleasant fragrance. It is important that you provide these plants with full sunlight each day to keep them growing strong and healthy.

If you grow them in a very hot region, partial shade is recommended. Frequent watering is needed, but you don’t want to drown them; they only need a little bit of water with each drink. 

Keep in mind that these plants are very vulnerable to cold temperatures. You will need to move them inside before frost begins to appear. These plants don’t need much trimming, but you’ll have to remove dead leaves from time to time.

As far as disease goes, different types of fungus can do a lot of damage. Aphids and other pets need to be handled appropriately and quickly to keep the plant healthy. Also, remember that these plants are highly toxic to1 cats and dogs.

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