Walking Iris Plant Care & Growing Guide

The Walking Iris is a fairly uncommon but gorgeous houseplant that is absolutely stunning when it blooms. 

This plant can be tricky to care for, so you’ll need all the advice you can get. There are a number of species of this plant that you will have to choose from.

Walking Iris Plant Care & Growing Guide

1. Light Requirement

You will need to provide the walking iris plant will bright but indirect sunlight throughout each day. You should keep this plant in partial shade, especially if you live in a region that is very sunny during the summer. Too much sun can quickly and easily take a toll on its overall health.

If you are planning to grow one of these plants inside, you’ll want to avoid keeping it right by a window that receives direct sunlight. Place the plant at least a few feet away from the window to avoid UV oversaturation.

2. Water

This exotic looking plant needs to be watered a good amount while it is still growing. It is incredibly important that the plant’s soil stays nice and moist. You will only have to water it about once every month in the winter months.

3. Climate

This plant can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11. It prefers a warm climate with around fifty percent humidity. This is why these plants are so commonly grown in Florida. Keep in mind that cold temperatures will cause the plant’s roots to freeze to the ground, but they will come back once spring begins.

4. Soil

You will need to keep this plant in soil that is rich in order for it to truly thrive. It is a good idea to use soil with a little bit of sand in it. This will provide the plant with proper drainage, which is desperately needs to remain healthy. You can also use clay and loamy soils without any issues.

If you plan to grow a walking iris plant in a pot, it is best to use peat. When you are looking for good quality potting mix, you’ll need to find one that contains vermiculite, perlite, and sand. You’ll need to use a pot that is very deep and at least 8 inches across.

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Walking iris blue

5. Temperature

These plants tend to do best when they are kept within a temperature range of 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, or 16 to 24 degrees Celsius. It is perfectly fine to bring your potted plant outside during the summer months. Just make sure that you do not expose the plant to direct sunlight.

6. Repotting

You will most likely have to repot this plant every 2-3 years. The new pot that you put the plant into should be slightly larger so that the roots do not become tangled as they grow.

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7. Speed of Growth

Before you plant any walking iris plants, you’ll need to keep in mind that they grow fast. They can grow up to four feet tall within a period of about ten years.

8. Height and Spread

It is pretty common for walking iris plants to grow up to 36 inches tall with a maximum spread of about 24 inches. You will therefore want to give yours plenty of room if you are growing it outside among other plants.

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9. Flowers

The leaves of the walking iris plant do not typically have any stems on them. It flowers throughout the year, with bursts of flowers blooming over each season. These flowers can be brown, blue, white, yellow, and orange. Each flower has horizontal petals that surround a few other pedals that aren’t quite as large. The yellow iris of the flowers is one of this plant’s most well known physical characteristics.

10. Trimming

All you have to do with regards to trimming this plant is to cut back the stems when its flowering season comes to an end. You will also have to remove any dead or dying flowers immediately. This will serve to keep the plant healthy as a whole.

Is the Walking Iris Poisonous?

Every part of this plant has the potential to cause gastrointestinal to distress to some degree. This is especially true with small children and household pets. You should make a point of keeping your kids and any pets away from this plant.

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How to get Walking Irises to Flower

One of the best things that you can do to encourage flowering in these plants is to keep them in moist (but not drenched) soil. Make sure that the soil drains well so root rot does not occur. 

It’s also important to provide this plant with a good amount of shaded sunlight on a daily basis. A water-soluble fertilizer can also help your plant to produce many beautiful flowers. Give it new fertilizer every couple of weeks to maintain its nourishment.

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Common Walking Iris Diseases

One of the great things about the walking iris plant is that it is not particularly prone to any diseases. You will, however, need to make a point of looking out for signs of root rot. If you’ve noticed the leaves on the plant starting to yellow, you might be giving it too much water.

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Walking Iris plants need lots of sunlight, but they must be kept in the shade when grown outside. Keep in mind that you’ll have to keep this plant’s soil moist. It only needs a very small amount of water in the colder months of the year. A warm climate with around fifty percent humidity is ideal for these plants. Repotting is necessary every two or three years, as this plant does grow quite fast. Remember to use sandy or loamy soil when repotting.

There is no question that this plant boasts some absolutely beautiful flowers with stunning colors that range from brown to yellow. The best way to encourage flowering is to make sure your plant gets lots of shaded sunlight and water. A good fertilizer can also help encourage growth. Remember to watch out for root rot and avoid over watering, as it can quickly kill this plant.

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